
Lisbon Investment Summit
Lisbon Investment Summit
From June 6th to the 7th, the ever-growing Hub Criativo do Beato hosted the annual Lisbon Investment Summit
Proud to be mentioned in the Digital Agenda!
Proud to be mentioned in the Digital Agenda!
MY-GATEWAY is a perfect example of a Startup Europe project that aims to strengthen the capacities of high-tech startups and innovative SMEs specifically in the Central Eastern European and Western Balkan regions.
MY-GATEWAY is selecting 10 startups to attend Web Summit!
MY-GATEWAY is selecting 10 startups to attend Web Summit!
Are you a startup based in Slovenia, Romania or Czech Republic or you are conducting your business activities in the CEE region?
MY-GATEWAY partner SPARK was at the We Are Developers World Congress 2018!
MY-GATEWAY partner SPARK was at the We Are Developers World Congress 2018!
SPARK, as one of the communication partners of the Congress, took the opportunity to offer access to the event to 2 startups and while there did not miss the chance to promote the Startup Europe Ambassador initiative to the international audience.
Rockin' it at the Western Balkans Digital Summit!
Rockin' it at the Western Balkans Digital Summit!

On 18 and 19 April 2018, Macedonia was hosting the first ever Western Balkans Digital Summit in Skopje. This huge event  gathered governments, businesses, regional organizations, CSOs, academia and youth with the goal to set up a digital platform for exchanging of ideas and proposals. Fortunately, the program anticipated the importance of Startup Ecosystem in the region as well and dedicated entire portion for this occasion.



The section titled Startup Camp had the mission to bring together founders, entrepreneurs, investors and experts from all 6 Western Balkan countries. During the event, there was a plenty of time for the participants to discuss, exchange ideas, meet inspirational people and stories from the region and abroad and of course, to pitch their business ideas.



As part of inspirational talks, we had an opportunity to present MY Gateway Project and acknowledge young people about the project activities and its long-term mission to open the gate of Startup Europe to the Balkans. As part of this talk, we informed them about Startup Europe Ambassador’s initiative and the role of responsible organizations in Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. This happened to be a very pleasant surprise for all who are quite active in the Startup activities but yet admitting that there is a lack of relevant information and especially emphasizing the need of “one stop shop” route that will make their access to funding and networking opportunities easier.

The event was closed with exciting “Business Idea Competition” (Pitch) where again, Seavus was part of the Jury.



Currently, Macedonian Eco system is making serious steps to consolidate and there are few initiatives among several key stakeholders, including Seavus incubator, who share a common vision to strengthen the Macedonian startup ecosystem and with their activities to inspire innovation, growth and competitiveness. One of the key reasons is the fact that there was no single platform that connects startups with organizations or investors and this was justified with the latest research study/mapping of the local ecosystem. Therefore, in this phase, all activities related to knowledge and positive examples such as MY-GATEWAY's activities that could give us insight into regional startup eco systems and initiatives are useful and are more than welcome.

Rigth now,Seavus Incubator is intensifying cooperation with Startup Macedonia, a newly formed association gathering startup founders, organizations, investors, and experts from diverse industries, and part of our joint future activities will be focused on spreading information on SE activities and in that sense making joint efforts to make the access to funding and support for startups easier.

GEC 2018
GEC 2018
More than 2,400 people from 171 different countries attended the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Istanbul on April 17th, 2018
The 4th edition of Startup Olé was quite extraordinary: more than 7000 world-wide participants, 500 startups, 60 accelerators, 50 big corporates, 350 speakers, 40 public administrations and 70 investors were present at the 3-day event.
MY-GATEWAY partners become Startup Europe Ambassadors

19 March 2018, all MY-GATEWAY partners proudly became part of the “Startup Europe Ambassador” movement in 10 countries. The Startup Europe Ambassadors are a group of key influencers in the European startup ecosystems to provide information and advice about the European Commission's Startup Europe initiative. The objective is to democratise the startup phenomenon so that every citizen has a fair chance to become a successful entrepreneurs wherever they are located in Europe. The ambassadors will also help startups in their growth phase to have access to all the opportunities offered at European level. All Startup Europe Ambassadors are publicly presented today at the “Startup Europe Campfire” held in Paris.