EIT RawMaterials Business: competition, Summit and Investors forum!

If you're an innovator willing to start your own business, this competitions could be what you are looking for!

1. Business Idea Competition:

It has been renamed EIT JumpStarter this year and it is jointly organized with EIT Health and EIT Food. the target audience of this competition are ideas holders and innovators willing to start a new business (ideation phase). More information can be found in the following link: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/jumpstarter-competition-2019/ 

2. Booster support for Start-ups and SMEs (Max 60KEUR funding): 

The Booster is a key Business Creation program at EIT-RM to support Start-ups and SMEs active in the RawMaterials sector. Thanks to this program, we have already been able to support more than 100 start-ups in Europe which are already demonstrating significant impact in the sector by creating jobs, attracting capital (more than 100MEUR so far) and launching innovative products. More information about the booster call via the following link: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/booster-call-2019/ (also in my signature below)

3. RawMaterials Summit (and RawMaterials Investor’s forum):

The Raw Materials Venture Forum is part of the broader Raw Materials Summit 2019, the flagship event organised by the EIT RawMaterials (taking place on 20-22 May) and will gather experts from Europe and the rest of the world to discuss strategies in relation to raw materials access and supply, to show and promote emerging (entrepreneurial) innovations in the raw materials value chain as well as to display our dedicated education programmes. Stay tuned for updates on the full program on website: https://www.eitrmsummit.com 
Venture Forum

A top 30 emerging companies will be selected and introduced to an invited delegation of 70+ investors, hi-tech industry leaders and service professionals. A dedicated expert jury will review and select the presenting companies, going through a rigorous review process in which all applied companies will be assessed. 
The event focuses on the following key technology sectors: 

·         Primary sourcing: Exploration, Mining and Mineral /Metal Processing

·         Resources 2.0: Recycling, Substitution and Circular Design

·         Intersecting technologies: Industry 4.0 (IoT, Big Data) and Smart Manufacturing

 In terms of companies' development stage, the event covers: 

·         Companies close to market introduction

·         Ready for market introduction

·         Ready for scaling

 What’s in for the selected startups to present?

·         Coaching sessions: dry-run your pitches with leading experts in the field to gain valuable feedback on the most effective presentation style to maximise your impact

·         Full pass to the Raw Materials Summit: network with 350+ participants

·         Presentation slot at the Venture Forum: pitch your high-potential technology in front of investors, corporate partners, keynote speakers and panellists. Get plenty of networking opportunities, including One2One meetings with investors and potential business partners

·         Top quartile presenters evaluated at the event will qualify as selected presenting company finalists and will be able to attend and present at the European Venture Contest Final in December with 150+ investors, corporates and players active in different tech areas

The DEADLINE for applications is 8 March 2019.

No fee for applying or attending if selected (Startups only need to cover their own travel and accommodation costs) – the selection is based on merit only. 
Startups can apply following these simple steps: 

·         Register directly on our website (registration page via https://www.eitrmsummit.com – tab ‘Startup venture forum’)

·         The application link will lead to a website supported by Tech Tour, our trusted partner in organising the Venture Forum within the Raw Materials Summit 2019. 

·         Complete the online profile, project details and slide deck

·         Upload the latest corporate presentation or pitch deck