Join us on a Startup Funding Training Course - you choose where!

Free one day courses on private and public funding


Join us on a ONE full day Startup Funding Training Course in one of the following locations:


Czech Republic

  • Brno, Tech Nest Centrum, 17th September 2019

  • Prague, Prague Startup Centre, 19th September 2019



  • Cluj-Napoca, Liberty Technology Park, 26th September 2019 (applications are closed but write a message on the Facebook event to see what we can do)

  • Bucharest, Impact Hub Universitate, 29th October 2019 (applications will open soon)



  • Ljubljana, ABC Accelerator, 8th October 2019 APPLY NOW (deadline 7th October)

  • Maribor, Tovarna Podjemov, 10th October 2019 APPLY NOW (deadline 7th October)



What will you learn?

The training course will instruct you on the following: 

  • Czech/Slovenian/Romanian funding opportunities; 

  • H2020, Horizon Europe funding opportunities and detecting which one is right for you. 

  • Fundraising and its alternatives from the point of view of the startups and investors. Questioning yourself whether you should raise funds or not. 

  • Overview of the different kinds of capital: Friends, Family and Fools, Accelerator/Incubators, Business angels, Seed funds, Governmental funds and Venture Capital.

  • Preparing for the questions investors ask startups neatly grouped into the following topics: Founders/Team, Product/Technology, Market/Competition, Business Model, Metrics/Unit Economics, and «Clean company » (i.e. legal, due diligence). 

  • Understanding the human side of investors: how they make money,  what’s their typical day like, what their thinking patterns are and how to talk to them. 

  • Honing your pitching skills with hands-on exercises. 

  • You'll learn about other Startup Europe opportunities that projects such as Untold Stories Budapest, Startup Europe Networks, MY-GATEWAY, Soft Landing, Startup Lighthouse, Startup Europe Partnership 2.0, Access2Europe, Nordic AIP and Scale-EUP2 can offer you.


Who are the trainers?


Jan Bormans, combines a Ph.D. in engineering with an MBA in international management. He has over 25 years of experience combining innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity to create economic and societal value. Jan has participated in European projects since 1996 and has been active as an early player in setting up the Belgian startup ecosystem. He has been actively engaged in building both and European Startup Network brands and communities over the past years. 

(You'll meet him at the Czech and Slovenian trainings)




Attila Uderszky  is an environmental  engineer with more than 17  years of experience in managing  and coordinating projects in FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, LIFE, INTERREG, Intelligent Energy Europe and CIP programmes. His major  focus in projects is oriented from technical research, prototype development, laboratory and field validation of project results and also innovation management activities with special attention to business viability, financial feasibility, cost-benefit analysis and IPR issues.

He is a registered business coach of the Executive Agency for Small- and Medium sized Enterprises of the European Commission, providing project mentoring support to beneficiaries of the H2020 SME Instrument Programme.

(You'll meet him at the Czech and Slovenian trainings)



Krisztina Tóth is the Coordinator for MY-GATEWAY and a Senior project manager within Europa Media. She has over six years of experience in developing and managing EU-funded projects under Horizon 2020, FP7 and CIP-IEE programmes with a specific focus on Entrepreneurship, innovation, international cooperation, science communication, and SME support.

(You'll meet her at both Romanian trainings)



Mircea Vadan is managing partner at Activize.Tech. His focus is on acceleration programs doing consultancy for corporates, startups, accelerators and VC funds. He is working with startups teams on various topics such as idea validation, product shaping, product metrics, go-to-market strategy, business development and investment. As ecosystem builder, he founded Cluj Startups community in 2012 and since then contributed at the creation of FreshBlood.Health, Fintech Camp and Cluj.AI communities.

(You'll meet him at the Cluj-Napoca training)



Marius Ghenea is Partner in Catalyst Romania VC Fund (3TS Capital Partners), serial entrepreneur and business-angel with successful investments in SEE, ranks in fortune Romanian survey Forbes, co-founder VentureConnect (regional matchmaking platform for tech start-up entrepreneurs and early-stage investors); Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Business Ventures Professor, Maastricht School of Management EMBA program; co-organizer Schoolforstartups Romania, the first SE European entrepreneurship school; author of “Entrepreneurship”, the first Romanian book on entrepreneurship and TV dragon on the Romanian Dragons’ Den.

(You'll meet him at the Bucharest training)